If you're anxious to download V1.3 and wonder what's taking so long, here's some information that may make the wait a bit easier.
As mentioned before, this next version includes the In-Pin code generator. In-Pin is a gateway to all sorts of cool possibilities like huge Intervals, Frequency Counting, PWM of external Synthesizers and more! But there's a dark side to all these extras.
Boundary Errors
V1.3 uses a new approach to catch and reveal errors. Based on your selections for Clock, Timer and Mode, a boundary test executes before calculating register values and C++ code. If your Ask (Frequency or Interval) is outside a calculated boundary, TimerCalc shows you an Error report.
Previous RTM_TimerCalc versions left you in the dark regarding such errors. This one tells you the problem and suggests how to proceed. Bottom line, you'll have an easier time getting useful results.
Here's a snap of one possible Error report (there are many variations).
Calculation Reporting
Previous versions gave you scant extra info, some of it a repeat of other areas on the display. This version creates a 4-line mini-report telling you;
- what you asked for
- what was calculated
- the OFFSET difference (if any)
- a new DELTA value
Delta expresses Offset as a percent of Ask.
At a glance, you'll know how much -difference- exists between what was Asked for and what was Calculated. This difference is expressed as a percent shift or Error -- called Delta.
In some cases, you get exactly the Frequency or Interval you requested. In others, not so much. Either way, you'll see this 4-line report. You'll always know the Offset and Delta values. If Delta is small, you can probably ignore Offset . If not, Offset may be significant for your use-case.
Further Testing
So, its taken longer than anticipated to get this stuff fleshed out and coded. Because of the many use-case Units (Hz, uSec, mSec, Second and Hours), I've had lots of fun getting to this point. There's still plenty of UI testing to do! Then I move on to hardware tests (Nano, Uno and 2560).
I'm trying hard to meet the Q1 deadline. But I may slip into Q2. If so, my apologies! The end result will hopefully justify any extra wait.
Thanks for understanding,
Created: Mar 6, 2021 Updated: Oct 6, 2022 |