New Articles In Development

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Runtime Micro
Joined: 07/24/2016 - 9:18am
New Articles In Development


Its been some time since I posted anything. I've been caught up in varying degrees of life's distractions.

I haven't forgotten I promised Video for the 90 degree PSPWM project. It now looks like I need to make that -- plus another Video describing differences between shifting Square Waves and shifting PWM. It'll be a while for those...

I'm developing a project using long term Sound playback. It has an LCD, DF-Player and 2 Digipot IC's. A TF disk holds 16 sounds files in 4 categories. Choices are auto saved to EEPROM for quick power-on recall. Its up but needs some polishing (and documentation).

This new project forced me to seek a fast button debouncer. I searched the web for examples but ended up making it myself. You'll see an article in the PLANNING section describing this button-debounce approach. I think you'll find its typical in some ways but quite different in others.

Another PLANNING article (to be) will describe Arduino C++ code for an in-line Class aimed at MCP-4141 Digipot. Its super simple and runs fine over SPI (even inside a Timer ISR). You can copy paste the code to a sketch and instantiate as needed. No library needed.

until then,

Lee Smile

Created: Nov 14, 2024   Updated: Nov 14, 2024