First, congratulations for this software.
I try and it works, but there is a wrong character generated for ORCxN values. The sofwtare have generated this text :
OCR2B = (byte) (OCR2A * 0,20);
I mean 0,2 instead of 0.2
Maybe it's a problem during translation and with a french windows system.
Other question : in case of external clock, TCCR1B could be somethink like that :
TCCR1B |= 7; // External rising Timer Clock, and the corresponding pin must be placed as input
.Maybe there are other things to do. It would be a nice idea, to generate also code for this kind of external clock configuration.
Have a nice day
Created: Sep 15, 2020 Updated: Jan 24, 2024 |
Hi Christophe,
I think you are right. External clock needs to be fixed. Great catch! Its the one thing I didn't really test properly.
EDIT: However, "External" was changed in version 1.20 to be labeled 'Custom Clock' which is what you get when you modify your Arduino to use a Crystal different from 16 MHz. This is sometimes done when building with a AT-328 chip standing alone. You can also change the on-board Crystal (not recommended) to something other than 16 MHz if your good at soldering (and de-soldering).
As for comma substituted for period -- I cannot duplicate it here.
Please try changing your TextCopyFormat Option from Unicode to Ansi to see if that helps. If the problem is the Locale actions of Windows in France, I'm unsure how to fix it. I'll need to look into it. (See next post)...Thanks very much for your Bug report. I'll do my best to make corrections in a later version.
Hi again Christophe,
You are right about the "culture" of your locale in France for Windows O/S. I have duplicated the problem here.
I actually found a thread on another Forum that shows how I can force RTM_TimerCalc to generate source code to be the same in your locale as here in US.
Thanks for letting me know!